Hi everyone, hope you are all well and happy.
Wow!!!!! did you see I got 13 comments on my last post, I so happy you all took the time to look at my work and then to leave a comment, that's all so very nice of you, I'm truly humbled.
Thank you.
I'm having trouble accessing blogs to leave comments from home, sometimes I can get in sometimes I cant, just letting you know I am surfing, and I see all you posts, its very frustrating.
I'm not sure if I like this layout or not, it was completed for Bonscraps CC last week , she wanted us to scrap a childhood photo. I dunno?,...... its to wishy washy, I recon.
Hey Jode did you notice all the primas I've used? I went a little mad, didn't I?
Have you guys seen this layout?
I did this for Forever Always CC last weekend, as I recall the challenge was "scraplifting" or "inspired by". I chose a layout from the Freestyle book, think it was a Zina Wright, thanks Zina, had loads of fun with this. Use a little left over scraps for this one. Its really amazing what you can do with all those left overs.
I need to tell you have adorable little Lisa is, we took the recycled litter out from the bottom of her cage, as we thought it was hindering her performance in the wheel and her little yellow car. We set about lining her cage with nice soft toilet paper, lots of layers so she would be warm, and feel like she was walking on pillows. hehehe Well when we woke in the morning, and went to see her, she had been very busy ripping up all the toilet paper and transferring it upstairs to her sleeping quarters. way too funny, she must have been exhausted!!