Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Diva's CyberCrop this Friday!!
Hints and sneek peek in the forum.
now for my challenge Divas,
you will be required to use Black cardstock and Butterflies
"Butterflies with Details"
I used these Butterflies as templates for this challege.
Just copy and paste, print and cut out one as a template!
Talk to you all Friday night!!
Posted by
8:31 AM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Kaiser Fundraiser Geelong - Crop for a Cause
The layoouts!
The Divas, Marelle and I,
Bronte enjoying a milkshake at DFO. The train rider! and Mary, she goes everywhere with us!
Posted by
3:31 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
ok since I'm on a roll and dinner is in the oven
I wanna tell you about where DH and I took the kids last weekend.
It was this place
Only a few rooms are open to viewing...but it was all very amazing, and very very beautiful.
The thing that took me by suprise was that from 1917 to 2006 all of Labassa was divided into flats!!
One door that led to a flat had a Union Jack painted on it.
I wanted so desperatly to hear and learn about the people that rented these flats, but alas the National Trust were only interested in the owners historicly before it was sold in 1917.
There is History during that period aswell, I wonder if any photos exist of the dwellers and what the flats looked like before National Trust came in to restore the interior....I'm sure in the 1920's 30's 40's even 50's there would have been some pretty amazing people living there.
Ok letting that go for now.....I promise to keep this update as often as I can.
Love to you all
Posted by
5:31 PM
Divas CC
Using this sketch: 3 challenges
Rachael's criteria Blue Brown and bling
My criteria Flourishes
Check out the amazing work done by our talented community here:
Posted by
5:01 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Diva Guest Designer Competition
Diva Design Guest Search
We are starting a new idea at Divas. Are you a keen scrapper who not only loves to try new products but also likes to interact in a forum? Would you like a spot as a Guest Diva Designer??
To apply, you will be required to submit the following—
· 3 projects (a layout, a card set and an off the page item).
· a paragraph explaining one of the techniques you used in your projects. (All techniques will be published in the newsletter which announces the new Diva Designer.)
· A paragraph of your reasons why you should be a new Diva Designer.
The position will be a 2 month term, include a generous discount in the Diva store for this time, as well as a supply package for your projects during the 2 months. You will be required to be active in the forum, participate in the cybercrops and other activities on the Diva site. You will need to produce several projects with your supply package and upload these exclusively to the Diva gallery. At the end of the 2 month term, you will also be given the opportunity to conduct a free online class. What a great experience!!
**This process will repeat again after the current term is over. **
Send applications to
by the 21st April.
Posted by
8:37 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Diva Challenge for April
quote:Seeing that we celebrate Anzac Day, a day of reflection and remembrance in April, my challenge for you this month is:1. To scrap a page about a person/people,2. With lots of journalling of the special things that you remember about them, 3. and using the word Remember in your title.It could be photos of good times spent with old friends, photos of special family moments, photos of loved ones, or something completely different - get those thinking caps on Diva's and scrap some treasured memories... Entries are due by 30 April 2008 with the winner to receive a RAK
Here is my entry to this challenge.
Posted by
1:58 PM
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Another cybercrop
seems like ages since I participated in a Cyber Crop, I was soooo in the mood to scrap
and when I got the reminder e-mail from Scraptherapy,
it seems like fate, so decided to go along.
There were 5 challenges and I suprised myself and did 3!!
Wow it normally takes me at least a day to do one layout!! lol
This was a cute little project I had this mini clipboard thingy for ages and ages, finally the inspiration to scrap it!
This is a nice layout, I love the blue of the cardstock and the lovely pp, with tiny flowers, this is Jack years and years ago!
Oh,... now this was a challenge was to say thank you, we were challeged to do anything, since I was in the mood I made a hand bag card, cute hey?
Hey girls dont forget we are still looking for a Guest DT on Divas, why dont you apply, Rach and I are lonley! LOL
check out this post:
and good luck!
Posted by
9:08 AM
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
again, but this time we spent 5 days there, I took my sewing machine an was determined to make some Softies while I was there.
I made Bronte her Martha Monkey:
There is a lovey little Church Opp shop in town and there is always a bargin to have, and I just knew there would be some old pillow cases there that would be perfect for the Softies Every year over Easter Torquayrmary School holds there Fete, its awesome and there is loads and loads to do, in the Halis their Trash and Treasure and I was luckyto find a litle golden book for the pictures and the most beautifu old readers that have a real Vintage feel and look.
While at the Fete I found a stall that sold Jewlery and scored a pair of silver earings that have a Celtic look about them, very nice, good comprimise as I have wanted some Charles Rennie MacKinstosh earings for years now,
so I'm very happy.......
Hey ou have till the end of the month to complete the Diva Monthly Challenge and this Friday is our Cyber Crop!!!
See you there!!!
Happy Scraping everone!
Posted by
8:50 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
all things scrapping
This months Diva Challenge, my sister Fiona gave these dolls to the kids at Christmas and I adore them!
Posted by
7:59 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
tagged and Divas
the idea is I answer the questions below, you get something diffrent to read, I tag three people to do the same and it goes on,
Thanks Mel, Neat freak friend! LOL
10 Years Ago:
I had a two year old beautiful baby boy, I was working full time, and cryed everydayat work, over missing him and hating that I had to work.
Things on my to-do list today: today is now tonight and we are off to Torquay tomorrow for the long weekend.
I have a million things to do, and I'm putting off thinking about it all until I wake up tomorrow
What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
Buy two houses, by myself the old blue VW I've always wanted, give loads away to friends
3 of my bad habits:
I am a 'neat freak', like Mel
I eat too much
I obsess over stuff, stuff in general.....atm its plastic boxes with lids and my pandora bracelet, I cant sleep thinking about them.
3 places I have lived:
5 jobs that I have had:
No 1 Teller at ANZ
Title Searcher {various firms.}
Reception at a London Hotel, 1984
Sales High Street Kensington, Beneton,1984
mother, lol
5 Things people don't know about me:
I am known by my family as "the princess and the pea",
as I can't sleep unless the sheets and doona are flat and tight, it FREAKS me out if the bed is crumbled!
I can't scrap until the house is complely tidy, floors moped, toilet done etc, freaky I know!
I am related to Anistasia Withers, who sewed the Eureka Flag.
My family are originally from SA.
I don't like seafood
I tag, Fleur, Simone and Kars
Posted by
9:43 PM
Gentle Annies - Lorne
Last weekend we went to this stunning little Berry Farm 20 min from Lorne, the kids got Gobblers passes which enabled them to eat as much as they want! and they loved it!
I think I will make this an annual event , we had the best time.
My mother, sister, bil and kids showed us around as it was out 1st time!
The scarecrow's were all a work of art, he is just one of many!
Bronte had pancakes full of yummy Blackberries, whilst the rest had pies, Plougmens Lunch, etc, think we all wished we chose the Pancakes!!
Posted by
9:30 PM